Monday 8 July 2013

CD front/back cover, insert and magazine advertisement finished!

Today we finished the CD front/back cover, insert and the magazine advertisement. They have all drastically changed from when they were last posted on the blog.

Front Cover                                                                 We decided to have different levels for the front cover, in order to stick within the genre conventions of 'pop'. Also we came up with the idea to have a photo taken from the front of us to see our faces for the front cover but to then take another picture as we were but from behind us. We though that this would be quite effective. We decided to have a black,white and red theme. We edited the photos to be black and white and wanted the band name to be in bold black font and then the tile of the song in red italics. We did the same with the spine on either side of the CD.

Back Cover
This shows the ides of what I was talking about previously with the photo being taken from behind us for the back cover. As you can see we have standardised a running theme of colours and fonts. The usual bar code, record label logos have been included on the back cover to make it as professional as possible. Also an itunes label has been put on at the bottom in order for advertisement purposes.

 These images are included in the insert. We decided not to include he black,whit and red theme and decided to focus more on genre conventions of 'pop' and wanted to portray a boy band having run. We also included the lyrics of the song on the image below, however they haven't copied onto the blog.

Magazine Advertisement
We decided to have the front cover as the image of the advertisement so that it creates a sense of familiarity in order to sell the single. Also we included the QR code created, record label, and itunes for further advertising purposes. Also the release date has been put in a white font and bold to stand out as this date is key in the advertising of the single. We also decided to include star rating to further advertise the band and the single.

Overall we have standardised the CD front/back cover and magazine advertisement to stick within the theme to create the familiarity of the single and band for selling purpose. Sizing hierarchy is used throughout, (band name, release date, song title, music label) in order of importance. The insert cover differs in order to stick to the conventions of 'pop'.  We hope that our CD front and back cover  insert and magazine advertisement have represented running theme of 'pop'.

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